Job advertising service

We provide a special job advertising service, offering advertisers the opportunity to post vacancies relevant to the Life Insurance industry to our base of life…

We provide a special job advertising service, offering advertisers the opportunity to post vacancies relevant to the Life Insurance industry to our base of life insurance professionals.  

Job advertisements will be: 

  • Posted on the Careers section of the ALUCA website 
  • Sent via solus email to the ALUCA member base 

This service provides an excellent opportunity to reach a broad range of life insurance professionals.  

Job advertising rates 

Number of positions advertisedCost
$1100 + GST (where applicable) 
$1400 + GST (where applicable) 
$1700 + GST (where applicable) 

 * For sponsor companies we provide a special discount.  


  • ALUCA will only accept advertisements for specific, genuine positions 
  • ALUCA has the right to reject any advertisements that fall outside the criteria considered by the Board to be appropriate 
  • Approved job advertisements will be placed on the ALUCA website for 2-4 weeks depending on the closing date for applications 
  • An email alert will be sent to ALUCA members other than those members who have indicated that they do not wish to receive job advertisements 
  • The advertisement must not list the salary for the position(s) 


Email your advertisement to the ALUCA Secretariat at in Word or PowerPoint or a pdf file (pdf files will need to have the ALUCA disclaimer in before you send it – see below for disclaimer). 

The advertisement can be the equivalent of an A4 page if it was printed. It can have logos and colours with room for the disclaimer at the bottom.  

The size of the electronic file must be small – under half a megabyte, otherwise some company email systems will reject your advertisement. Therefore, if you use graphics/logos, please make them a small format like jpg or gif, not large formats like bmp.  

Please allow 2-3 working days for the ad to be processed. Often it is possible to distribute your advertisement sooner than 2-3 working days, so please advise the Secretariat Officer if it is not to go out before a certain date/time. Once your advertisement has been released you will be sent an invoice.  

ALUCA Disclaimer  

We have two types of disclaimers that must be used: 

  1. For advertisements placed by the employing company. The disclaimer is: Australasian Life Underwriting and Claims Association (ALUCA) ALUCA has been asked to bring this notice to the attention of members. In respect of this, as of all other vacancies members are reminded that neither ALUCA nor the officers of ALUCA can accept any liability in relation to any appointment that may be made as a result of this notification.  
    – ALUCA Chair  
    NB: This advertisement has been placed directly by the company concerned. Individual applicants should apply directly to the company as indicated in the advertisement. Unsolicited approaches by recruitment companies are inappropriate.  
  1. For advertisements placed by a recruitment company. The disclaimer is: Australasian Life Underwriting and Claims Association (ALUCA) ALUCA has been asked to bring this notice to the attention of members. In respect of this, as of all other vacancies, members are reminded that neither ALUCA nor the officers of ALUCA can accept any liability in relation to any appointment that may be made as a result of this notification.  
    – ALUCA Chair 
    The disclaimer must appear at the bottom (or other suitable place) of each advertisement. 

Enquiries and placement  

If you would like to place an advertisement or you have any questions, please Contact Us